Please refer to the blog for your holiday work. I also expect ALL outstanding blog work to be completed by the first lesson we have next term. If this is not completed than a warning will be issued and you are unlikely to achieve well in your exams.
The Living With Crime intro presentation is available on Moodle. I will also be posting some other info here over the break so make sure you check it frequently. We will have under 4 weeks until your exam once you return after Easter, START REVISING! Have a nice break and don't eat too much chocolate!
British Film: Social-Political Study – 'Living with Crime'
You should discuss a minimum of two films in your answer and base it on the following: 'Living with Crime'.
I would like you to practice doing both questions. Give yourselves 45 mins for each one (no more,no less!)
11. Discuss the importance of choices made by key characters to the overall shape and development of the narratives you have studied. [40]
12. How important is location to the films you have studied for this topic? [40]
I also expect you to write clear notes on your living with Crime study films "Sweet Sixteen", "Bullet Boy" and "London to Brighton". You will be examined on these and expected to make clear reference to these films. Please see links on blog to help you with this. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THESE FILMS YOU NEED TO RENT THEM AND WATCH THEM OVER THE HOLIDAYS! When writing notes on the films over Easter consider the following and comment thoroughly upon each film and how the following are explored within them
Narrative Methods
Representation of poverty
Representation of class
Representation of race or minority groups
Representation of crime
Representation of family relationships
Representation of education
Representation of violence
Make sure you revise the previous topic on British and American Film, Producers, Audiences and Exhibition. Consider changing trends in cincema going, film viewing and production. You must learn the history of these aspects of film studies.